To obtain a driving license from your employer, the latter must ensure your physical fitness at the workstation (medical check-up), your understanding of the rules (delivery of the rules of procedure + safety training on a drilling site) and finally your skills to drive the machine (our training CACES 2 R372m “drill”)

These formations are adapted to the drilling sites. A theoretical course will structure the basic knowledge of driving and compliance with safety rules. The practical part will make it possible to implement them.

The CACES courses can have several durations: the initial training of 4 days, reserved for the persons having never handled drills, improvement of 3 days for the drillers having never passed their CACES and finally recycling of 2 days for the trainees owning a CACES 2 of 10 years and over.

Finally, the CACES training courses can have several options depending on your machine fleet: driver-driven, driver-driven, radio controlled …

On your marks, ready, drill!

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