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How to make a casing for foundations ?


If the field collapse or can’t hold itself, you have to use a casing method. If that is still a mystery to you, come train yourself with Drill-i !

You will discover everything about casings and tubings and so the different methods like the ODEX or ROTA-ODEX. It will helps you to understand pros and cons from each of them and let you use them on the right conditions.


  • Get to know the differences between all the casing methods.
  • Choose the right method and equipment suiting the soil.
  • Make casings safely.
  • Adapt the drilling settings according to the field.


Staff members willing to learn or improve their skills in casings for foundations.

To follow this training, you must have experience in drilling and have been practicing it for a while.

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  • No date or place is right for you?

  •  The training is part of one or more

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